Monday, December 10, 2007

Finally - An Entry

Well, a lot has happened since I got here. I decided to move 'back home' to CT after all. It wasn't a hard choice really. Once I spent more than a few days with my godson Ambros, it was pretty simple. And more good news - my dad has agreed to go on the rest of my 'round the world trip w/ me.

We're leaving Dec. 23 for Sydney then we'll head on to New Zealand, Thailand, Cambodia and Viet Nam. All in all, we'll be traveling for 6 weeks. Dad will head back to CT from LA, and I'll go back to San Diego to pack up and drive the BMW out to CT. (Pray for sun and NO snow on the southern route)

I've interviewed with Met Life here in CT and will go back again later this week, so I might have a job lined up for March. I'll stay with my parents until I finalize the work location then I'll probably move close to the job. In the meantime, mom and I joined a gym and we're working out about 5 days a week - feels great.

The trip plans are shaping up and since we've had temps in the 20's, I'm ready to go! :-)
Hopefully I'll get to update you along the way. I'm not bringing my laptop but I should have access to the the internet. You can e-mail me at to keep in touch. I'd love to hear from you.

Take care - Happy Holidays and Be Safe-

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